
MEP’s main purpose to conduct its operations with high standards in compliance with legislation and international standards.  For the purpose working group has been organized to conduct appropriate monitoring and audits to identify and ensure compliance with legal and other requirements, identify critical equipments and develop appropriate maintenance schedule, develop environmental indicators and EMS implementation plan, evaluate environmental aspects and associated impacts, developed objectives and targets etc.

Except above civil empowerment, facilitating mental and behavioural change in business units and larger community, is one of the integral part of our environmental goals.

Middle East Petroleum believes that prevention of accidents and ill-health, protection of the environment and prevention of pollution are essential to the efficient operation of its business. The Company is committed to high standards of health, safety and environmental protection and performance; these aspects command equal prominence with other business considerations in the decision making process. Middle East Petroleum believes that health, safety and environmental protection are responsibilities shared by everyone working for the Company and the full support of all staff, partners and contractors is vital to the successful implementation of this Policy. Middle East Petroleum will build value through developing sustainable long-term relationships between partners and the community.
there is an effective management organisation in place
minimise adverse effects of its operations on the environment;
prevent pollution
there is effective co-operation with contractors and responsibilities are defined
legislation is understood and complied with
HSE issues are included as part of planning requirements